Six Steps to Make Sure Your Website is ADA-compliant
Nearly three decades ago, the ADA was enacted to enable people living with disabilities to partake in public services, employment, etc. Specifically, it is to promote internet usage amongst all types of users. Business with an online presence is mandated to comply with the ADA. A website that meets ADA compliance guidelines comes with many benefits. They include increased conversion rate, avoidance of legal problems, ROI increases, increased user base and more. People with disabilities form about 56.7 million Americans according to the United States Census Bureau . Given these advantages, an ADA-compliant website gives you over your competitors it is vital to make your website comply with the ADA. Here are six tips on how to make your website ADA-compliant.
How to make your Website ADA-compliant
Add Alt tags to Images and Videos
Describing images and videos using alt tags will help customers to easily, identify the content they are looking for. For example, a screen reader should be attached to texts or videos to enable blind website users to identify the content. Texts can be used to caption images to enable deaf users to identify videos.
Label Pages
Pages and sections should be clearly labeled to enable users with disabilities easily discern which spot they are on our website. All headings should be described in a well-structured fashion.
Create Text Transcripts Audio and Video Content
Web users that are hearing-impaired will be unable to understand the video and audio content found on your website. Making a text transcript will make the audio and video content accessible and understandable to them.
Create a Defined Layout
The website’s features such as the menus and buttons should be organized and clearly laid out. This enables the pages and sections to be navigated with ease.
The Site’s Language Should Be Identified
For users that are using text readers, having the knowledge of the language the website is built on would enable them to know the compatible text reader to use. The text readers identified the Function and codes correctly.
Keyboard Compatible
The website should be designed in a way that it can be navigated using a keyboard only. This will enable all types of users to access the site's content without any hindrance. There you have it! These are the six tips that will help you design your website to become ADA- compliant. To ensure that individuals with disabilities are able to use your website and engage with the contents, it is important that your website is ADA compliant. With the Americans with Disabilities Act already in place, it is best to make your website ADA-compliant and start reaping the benefits it promises. Are you ready to make your website ADA compliant? Contact us today at NXT GEN WEB to help you design an ADA compliant website. Our services are detailed and highly professional. We guarantee you quality and excellent services.