What Are The 3 Types Of Web Design?

What Are The 3 Types Of Web Design?

Web designing is of three kinds, to be specific static, dynamic or CMS and eCommerce.

Static Web Design
Static web design is a simple and easy to use website that does not need any changes. It doesn’t have any complex features or functionalities. Static websites are mostly used for personal blogs or small companies who don’t require complex designs.

Dynamic Web Design
The next type of website design is called dynamic web design which contains many different sections and pages. Dynamic websites are more interactive than static ones but they require more maintenance as well. Dynamic websites can be used for any purpose like small business websites, personal blogs etc.

CMS Websites
CMS (Content Management System) websites are most commonly used nowadays because it’s easier to maintain and update the information on these websites without any technical knowledge required from your end. These sites are built using PHP or ASP programming languages along with MySQL database management system which makes them more secure as compared to other types of websites mentioned above because they have their own security protocols in place which prevents hackers from hacking into your site easily if they try hard enough!